

CloudFormation Service Roles

Sometimes we want to give users the ability to create pretty much anything with CloudFormation but at the same time prevent them from doing the same through the console or aws-cli. Perhaps it's a company policy that everything must be managed using CloudFormation. Or on the other hand you may have Admin privileges but want [...]

By |August 10th, 2019|Best Practice|3 Comments

Cross-account access with aws-cli

In the previous post I explained how to Use Cross-account access through AWS Console. Today I'll show you how to do the same in the command line using aws-cli. We've got Access and Secret keys for the Login account and want to use aws-cli to create and manage resources in the Dev account above. [...]

By |January 10th, 2018|Best Practice|0 Comments

Using Cross-account access (AWS Console)

Short post to demonstrate how to use AWS Cross-account access from AWS Console. To re-iterate this is what we what we have set up in our previous post: First step is to login to the aws-nz-login account as an non-privileged IAM user, e.g. as michael.ludvig in my case. In the top-right menu under [...]

By |December 10th, 2017|Best Practice|0 Comments

Cross-account access

In bigger organisations it is common to have one central AWS account with IAM User accounts and a whole lot of independent per-project or per-team accounts that are only through cross-account access from this central account. The benefits is obvious - company has a single place where they manage user accounts, credentials, passwords, permissions, etc. [...]

By |December 6th, 2017|Best Practice|1 Comment

Access & Secret Keys

When working with AWS API the clients (programs, scripts, etc) must have a way to prove who they are and what level of access to Amazon services they should have. In a typical scenario an AWS user runs aws cli (or a script using aws cli) to interact with Amazon. For example to create a [...]

By |July 22nd, 2015|Best Practice|2 Comments