Crypto mining on AWS and GCP after “The Merge”
Yes, you can still mine crypto in the public clouds even after the Ethereum switch to Proof of Stake!
Yes, you can still mine crypto in the public clouds even after the Ethereum switch to Proof of Stake!
Mining Ethereum on AWS until now wasn’t profitable. This new AWS instance is the game changer that no only breaks even but can finally make you money!
Sometimes we want to give users the ability to create pretty much anything with CloudFormation but at the same time prevent them from doing the same through the console or aws-cli. Perhaps it's a company policy that everything must be managed using CloudFormation. Or on the other hand you may have Admin privileges but want [...]
EC2 instances, RDS database and many other resources reside in VPCs. To access them we need a network connectivity - either through a VPN, Direct Connect, or through a Jump / Bastion Host. That's stating the obvious. Sometimes, however, it's inconvenient or difficult to achieve a direct connectivity ad-hoc - maybe you are in a [...]
In the previous post - Using SSM Session Manager for interactive instance access - I showed you how to access EC2 instances through AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Sessions without having to open Security Groups or firewall ports, maintain SSH keys, VPNs, Jump Hosts, and so on. The native way for starting a SSM Session with [...]
You may argue that interactive login to EC2 instances should never be needed. Everything is dynamic, automated, self healing, centrally logged, and so on and there is no place for human interaction, right? But lets be honest - the world isn't perfect and we all sometimes need to jump into bash to do stuff for [...]
Easily deploy complex CloudFormation templates with external resources such as Lambdas or nested stacks.
Back in March I wrote about a command line script filter-ip-ranges that can parse the Amazon-published ip-ranges.json file and look up address ranges by region, service or IP address. That's handy for the occasional manual use or for creating or updating some whitelists or Security Groups through aws-cli. But running an aws-cli script from cron [...]
When we started using the new C5, M5 or T3-class instances (e.g. t3.micro, m5.large, m5d.large, c5.xlarge, etc) we noticed that the disk device names are no longer the classic /dev/sda1 or /dev/xvda that we were used to for years. The new root disk name is /dev/nvme0n1 with the partition device names being /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2, [...]
If you are a CloudFormation user you have probably come across a situation where an ID of a resource created in one stack (e.g. Subnet ID from VPC-Stack) is needed in another, independent stack, for example to create an EC2 instance in EC2-Stack. The traditional approach is to pass Outputs from one template to Parameters [...]