

SSM Sessions the easy way

In the previous post - Using SSM Session Manager for interactive instance access - I showed you how to access EC2 instances through AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Sessions without having to open Security Groups or firewall ports, maintain SSH keys, VPNs, Jump Hosts, and so on. The native way for starting a SSM Session with [...]

By |May 27th, 2019|Projects|10 Comments


Sometimes it's handy to know what IP address ranges are used in different AWS Regions. You may want to whitelist access to your region AWS endpoints, or from global CloudFront location, or set up some special routing rules, or look up which region a certain IP belongs to. ip-ranges.json & filter-ip-ranges AWS publishes ip-ranges.json [...]

By |March 31st, 2018|Projects|1 Comment

Access & Secret Keys

When working with AWS API the clients (programs, scripts, etc) must have a way to prove who they are and what level of access to Amazon services they should have. In a typical scenario an AWS user runs aws cli (or a script using aws cli) to interact with Amazon. For example to create a [...]

By |July 22nd, 2015|Best Practice|2 Comments