Yearly Archives: 2018


IP-Ranges Updater

Back in March I wrote about a command line script filter-ip-ranges that can parse the Amazon-published ip-ranges.json file and look up address ranges by region, service or IP address. That's handy for the occasional manual use or for creating or updating some whitelists or Security Groups through aws-cli. But running an aws-cli script from cron [...]

By |December 28th, 2018|Projects|2 Comments

New C5 / M5 / T3 instance disk names

When we started using the new C5, M5 or T3-class instances (e.g. t3.micro, m5.large, m5d.large, c5.xlarge, etc) we noticed that the disk device names are no longer the classic /dev/sda1 or /dev/xvda that we were used to for years. The new root disk name is /dev/nvme0n1 with the partition device names being /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2, [...]

By |October 2nd, 2018|Misc|0 Comments

CloudFormation Exports

If you are a CloudFormation user you have probably come across a situation where an ID of a resource created in one stack (e.g. Subnet ID from VPC-Stack) is needed in another, independent stack, for example to create an EC2 instance in EC2-Stack. The traditional approach is to pass Outputs from one template to Parameters [...]

By |September 17th, 2018|Best Practice|2 Comments

CloudWatch Log Mailer

Feeding logs from various AWS services to CloudWatch Logs is a common pattern. From Lambda logs, through ECS Task logs, to Linux /var/log/* messages forwarded by awslogs daemon, they can end up in CloudWatch. How can we monitor them - and get alerted - when something of interest gets logged? People often use Elastic Search, [...]

By |June 30th, 2018|Projects|1 Comment


Sometimes it's handy to know what IP address ranges are used in different AWS Regions. You may want to whitelist access to your region AWS endpoints, or from global CloudFront location, or set up some special routing rules, or look up which region a certain IP belongs to. ip-ranges.json & filter-ip-ranges AWS publishes ip-ranges.json [...]

By |March 31st, 2018|Projects|1 Comment

Cross-account access with aws-cli

In the previous post I explained how to Use Cross-account access through AWS Console. Today I'll show you how to do the same in the command line using aws-cli. We've got Access and Secret keys for the Login account and want to use aws-cli to create and manage resources in the Dev account above. [...]

By |January 10th, 2018|Best Practice|0 Comments